Sunday 17 March 2013

Simple egg noodles

These are perfect for using up egg yolks you might have left over, if you have made the French macarons you'll have the perfect amount!
I came across this recipe on an American website, I can't remember which, if I find it I will pop a link on.
Obviously it wouldn't be me if I didn't put my own addition in there somewhere!

I've found these make enough for two batches, which can be frozen for around a month no problem.
Also cutting them up can be tedious work, a useful tip is use scissors, or better still if you have one a mint roller, you know one of those things that's like a row of little discs for slicing up mint, I'll include a pic.

This is the recipe I followed:

• 3 egg yolks
• 1 egg
• 250g plain flour
• 1tsp salt
• 4 tbsp cold water
• stock cube of your choice
• parsley or similar herb

In a large bowl mix together the salt and flour. In a separate bowl or jug beat together the eggs and water.
Make a little dent in the middle of the flour and tip egg water mixture into it, mix together until it forms a dough, you might need a splash more water, once a dough has formed turn out onto a lightly floured surface and need gently till smooth and even, it doesn't take much.
At this point if your cooking straight away with them, you'll need to put a pan of water onto boil, put a stock cube and a good sprinkle of herbs in the pan too.
Take the dough and break into two pieces, one piece is usually enough for two people.
Roll out until the thickness you want your noodles to be is reached, go slightly thinner as they poof up a bit while cooking. Then cut into strips, depending how thick you want your noodles, anywhere between 1/2in to razor fine.
Then drop your raw noodles into the boiling water, cook until tender, usually about 10min. If your freezing the second portion I recommend you cut them up ready before freezing uncooked.
Once cooked, drain and then they can be eaten as they are, used in a stir fry, put into a ham and cheese sauce, anything you would usually use noodles or pasta for really. As they are plain they can sometimes seem a bit bland, a good dollop of sauce and some bits of left over chicken soon spruce it up.

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