Saturday 6 April 2013

Super healthy spinach.

So I'm on a bit of a diet kick at the moment, got to get a stone gone for summer!
This leaves me trying to think of new and interesting ways to make healthy food also scrummy food too.
I have had this bag of spinach in the fridge now for a week, it's got to be eaten because I'm not throwing it away lol!
So what to do with it? I'm thinking a nice Saturday afternoon lunch, nothing fancy or time consuming, something quick and simple, but more importantly low calorie.

Garlic and spinach stir fry. (For one)

• 1 bag of baby spinach leaves
• 1 Clove of garlic
• sprinkle of chilli flakes
• splash of light olive oil

Chop the garlic, as fine or course as you like it, I like my chunks quite big but go with your taste. Put into wok with a small splash of olive oil and the chilli flakes, again adding to taste depending how hot you like it, stir fry till garlic just starts changing colour. At this point add your leaves (mine were pre-washed, if you need to wash first make sure they are super dry) toss them around until well mixed and the oils coated it all, turn heat down to medium and loosely cover with the biggest saucepan lid you own, it doesn't matter if its not all covered. Leave to cook away for about a minute then uncover and stir it all up again, then re-cover, cook for another 1-2 minutes until all the leaves have started to shrivel up and go darker. Turn off heat, uncover and give a quick stir, then leave in the hot pan to sit for a moment or two.
Eat while still nice and hot!
All done in less than five minutes!

Makes a nice bowl full for one person, a tasty lunch for less than 75 calories! Always a winner in my book! If your not having to be so strict with your calorific content then a generous shaving of Parmesan over the top would be delicious! Or a splash of soy sauce while cooking too would make a tasty addition.

(Oh and erm yeah, you might have some brilliant garlic breath afterwards, sorry)

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