Sunday 21 April 2013

Chickpeas! The healthy equivalent to peanuts.

Mmmmm tasty yummy salted peanuts, or even better dry roasted peanuts! Can't beat them, but when your on a diet they are simply to unhealthy, rather than missing out why not try chickpeas as a heathy alternative!
Chickpeas? I hear you say, well don't knock them till you've tried them! This super duper quick and easy way to cook them will soon become your favourite nibble when watching that waistline.

The beauty of this recipe is that it's got so many variations depending on how adventurous your feeling or what your craving at the time. My favourite is BBQ, literally the sky's the limit with this one really. I quite often make two flavours at a time and mix them together when cooked for a bit of variation.

Roast chickpeas.

• 1 tin of chickpeas (drained)
• 1 tsp of light olive oil
• 2 tbsp of spice/seasoning powder of your choice, such as tandoori powder, curry powder, BBQ rub, garlic powder...
• sprinkle of sea salt

Pre heat your oven to 200c (fan oven)
In a bowl add all ingredients together and stir gently till all the chickpeas are evenly covered.
If doing two different flavours simply put half the peas, oil and powder in separate bowls to mix apart.
When everything's coated spread ONE even layer over a baking tray and cook for around 20min, till browned lightly and crispy.
Remove from the oven and grind a couple of grinds of salt over them. Leave to cool and scoop into a airtight tub.

Perfect to put into lunches to.

Our local meat market sell what they describe as meat 'glazes' like a dry rub that you use on chicken etc, these are absolutely amazing to use, they leave the chickpeas slightly sticky and very yummy, the only thing you need to be careful of is they take less cooking, more like 15min, as the glaze burns easily.

Pictured is a two flavor batch, half tandoori and half smokey BBQ meat glaze.
Mine were slightly over done as the dog decide she wanted a wee in the last five min of cooking! Still very yummy tho!

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