Thursday 15 November 2012

It begins...

Hello and welcome!
I'm a bit of an experimental cook, I tend to make it up as I go along! But it usually ends up all well and good, and I'm often asked "how did you make that then?" So I figured I'd share what I do, hopefully it works as well for you as it does for me!
First and foremost it always tends to be simple, why over complicate things when it can taste just as good with a few simple ingredients? You won't find me sending you off looking for weird and wonderful ingredients from random places, mainly because I can't be bothered to go get them either!
There will be a good selection of vegetarian and dairy free recipes also, as my family are a living dietary requirement! Not only that but my better half is a picky bugger to!
I intend to update with a recipe each week, fingers crossed, so be sure to check back often to see the latest experiment...

Oh and everything I cook is done so over the watchful eye of my two lunatic dogs, crazy the pair of them...

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