Sunday 25 November 2012

My favourite soup ever.

Nothing beats a thick tasty soup on a cold winter Sunday, this recipe was given to me by my mom and its easily my favourite soup ever, even better than Heinz tomato!! Not only that but it's really simple and quick to make! It's healthy too, so eating the lot won't ruin your waistline!

Butternut squash and red pepper soup:

• 2 medium butternut squashes
• 1 red pepper
• 1 medium onion
• 2 vegetable stock cubes (we always use knorr)
• salt and pepper to taste
• blob of vitalite

Using a sharp knife, chop and de-seed the pepper and butternut squash, chop into cubes and add to a large pan, chop onion and add to pan, cover veg with cold water until its just covered.
Add a fair amount of salt and pepper (to taste really) then crumble in the two sock cubes.
Put lid on and bring up to the boil, once boiling remove the lid and boil until veg is soft (around 20min)
Once cooked let cool slightly, then add a dollop of butter/marg and blend until smooth with a hand blender.

Serve with some warm crusty bread and there you have it! There's many ways you can add to this depending on your mood, a little paprika and chilli flakes for a spicy version. I sometimes add garlic and mixed herbs too.
Although I will always prefer the original...

The pooches approve too!

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